上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 If you finally can’t help jumping up, what the hell is it? I’m your husband

If you finally can’t help jumping up, what the hell is it? I’m your husband

Chu Yun finally sighed after a long hesitation. You are my husband, you and I should have nothing to say, but I will follow you into Qin, and I will do everything I can to help you save the sex virtue. I have already waited and waited, but I can’t wait for you to tell me the secret of the sex virtue. Do you know that I already know all this?
If you lose your temper, you know the secret of sexual virtue.
He felt that it was impossible to tell the mystery. In the world where the secret was too empty, how could anyone but Zhou Ru know it? How could it be solved?
Chu Yun saw his expression but smiled mournfully.
She looks sad and sad. I never ask you to help you wholeheartedly. Even if you ask him to risk his death, I won’t stop you. You still won’t tell me the truth.
If you listen more and more confused, shake your hands and wait for me, why don’t you understand more and more? What do you mean? What secret do you know about sex virtue?
Chu Yun shook his head naively, his expression was sad and melancholy, and his tone was full of sadness. Are you going to hide it from me until now? In fact, I have long known that he is a woman.
If an unstable person almost falls down, his mouth is wide open and his eyes are wide open, he will be dazed for a long time before exclaiming, what do you mean, sex is a woman? Are you kidding?
Chu Yun rushed to cover his mouth. Keep your mouth shut. Since you let Sex De pretend to be a man, I will know the truth. It’s just that. Aren’t you afraid that everyone will know it when you shout like this?
If you’re still distracted, how can you? He’s a woman. How can he be a woman?
Chu Yun is angry, hateful and sad. At this point, you still want to lie to me and tell me the truth. What’s the matter? Will I make it difficult for you? Will I divulge your secrets? Will I shout about it?
If I see her angry and bitter, I know that she is really sad. I am in a state of confusion, shaking my hands and stamping my feet. There is really nothing I can’t tell you, but he is really not a woman. There must be some misunderstanding.
Chu Yun hates to look at him. What’s the misunderstanding? My mother told me. Are you going to tell me that the medical examination in the palace will still be misunderstood?
If zheng suddenly remind of a past event.
At that time, he wanted to bring the sexual virtue into the palace. The man was not allowed to enter the palace because the details were unclear. If he had to improvise and called the sexual virtue a woman, he would have it examined. At that time, the magical power of the sexual virtue was still changing at will. Of course, it could be easily passed. If he had passed, he would have forgotten what he said and did, and everything would be recorded by special people around him.
Wang Tianhu’s knowledge that sexual virtue is a woman is equal to Xiao Yi’s knowledge that Xiao Yi told Chu Fengyi about it, of course, and Chu Fengyi went to charge Chu Yun, except them. Xiao Yi, Chu Fengyi’s confidant and other top figures in the circle must be convinced that sexual virtue is a woman and regard it as a big secret.
Other countries and forces from all walks of life should be extremely curious about sex morality, and they will do their best to find out the origin of sex morality. Maybe in the future, they will be able to find out a clue. Maybe in a few years, people will recognize that sex morality is actually a woman.
Few people who participated in the physical examination of sexual virtue on that day are irrefutable evidence.
If I suddenly feel a little numb in my scalp when I think of this, now my sexual virtue is gone. By changing the strength, the male body is regarded as a woman by the world, and with his beauty beyond ordinary people, the trouble can hardly be broken.
However, in such a day, the loyalty of two beautiful women to the king will also be valued by the world. People will naturally wonder what it is that such a beautiful woman does her best and his men and women do it without asking for anything in return. Could it be the second reason?
It’s just that others think so. It would be terrible if Yun thought so.
I jumped up at the thought of this, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, rhyme.
It’s all right if you cheat outsiders. How could you cheat me? Where did the physical examination program in the palace get fake? Wang Tianhu called me to give a physical examination to a beautiful woman in the draft. There were more than 10 people. They used to give a physical examination to a beautiful woman in the draft. It’s more than just looking at whether the body is male or female. Don’t check it carefully from head to toe. If the hair is not soft enough, the skin is not smooth enough, and the body scar is slightly inadequate, it will be removed. That is to say, every minute and inch of the body will be carefully examined. The conclusion is that She is absolutely right about being a woman, and it is these old imperial concubines who try to choose the most perfect woman in the palace for decades. In the era and country, such a woman can easily spoil the harem.
If you are stunned for a long time and say no, you will finally mutter that I didn’t lie to you about sex. He really didn’t.
Perhaps because of guilt, perhaps because of knowledge, no one believes that his voice is getting lower and lower.
Chu Yun stared at him. I have heard a lot of anecdotes in the Jianghu these days, and I know that women are born barren women and are very much like men. Even if they have a physical examination for a while, they can’t find out that men specialize in a kind of shrinking Yang, pretending to be female, and picking flowers and whoring among their daughters. Are you going to say that sex virtue is also this character?
If you shake your head quickly, how can Sex De be such a person?
And even this kind of fake art, which can deceive ordinary people, is strictly tested in the palace by the root method.
How can I explain if I sigh?
He was silent for a while before he said softly, do you believe that people can have children for a while?
Chu Yun frowned. You said that sex virtue is a hermaphrodite.
If you continue to sigh and mutter, it may be in a way before, but now he is real and absolutely no problem. If you don’t believe me, let him meet you later
He suddenly realized that he had made another slip of the tongue, not to mention that even in modern times, you can’t tell a woman that you have seen a man once and asked him to take off his clothes and examine you.
Chu Yun looked at him reproachfully, caring for you wholeheartedly and helping you. She was taken away at the last moment, and she was still thinking about you. How can you be insulted by me now? How can you live up to her kindness to you? She has been a good daughter for so long, and you don’t protect her reputation and call her a hermaphrodite. You are so cruel.
The more she said, the more angry she became, and the more gloomy her face became.

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