上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 "External force cultivation bonus … shooting at the sun and archery bonus effect … body increases by 1 point and posture increases.

"External force cultivation bonus … shooting at the sun and archery bonus effect … body increases by 1 point and posture increases.

"Remaining point 52 allocation …"
Li Feiyang thought about adding these points to the psychic force for a simple reason. With the further increase of skills, more and more true qi is consumed, and it is natural to invest more points in the psychic force. Besides, after the psychic force is high, the skill damage will also increase.
"Data distribution is completed … Li Feiyang’s current attribute practice value force 119 psychic force 225 physical strength.
"Fire attribute damage caused by burning curse and raising LV1 to single target and lasting trauma effect. It will cause every 5 fire attribute damage in the next three minutes, and it will be restrained for Jin Xing. For practicing Jin Xing, the target damage will be increased by 1%, and it will cost 2 points."
"Wind spells raise individual targets to cause wind damage and weaken the effect, which reduces the target’s physical defense. When the defense is weak, the effect depends on the opponent’s spiritual strength. Restraint is exercised on the earth. It takes 1% bonus to the target damage of practicing the earth-moving technique, and it really costs 2%."
"The ice spell raising LV1 causes water damage to the single target and causes freezing and freezing effect, which reduces the target’s action, attack degree and casting degree. The freezing time and effect depend on the opponent’s spiritual strength. Restraint on fire will increase the target damage by 1% and consume 2 points."
"The earth spell raises the monomer mark, causing 3 points of soil attribute damage and heavy and heavy effect, reducing the target’s physical and technical attack power. When the attack power is heavy, the effect depends on the other party’s spiritual power. Restrain the water line and practice the water line.
Target damage bonus 1% consumes 2 points. "
"The fusion technique of shooting at the sun and archery can attach the five-element spell to the attack effect and reduce the consumption of qi by 3% and 5%."
"By acquiring the skill of" Red Yan "and" Tiger Evil ",you can accumulate strength by devouring the living soul and release the wounded enemy. At present, the condition of LV1′ s growth stage can devour the living soul by 10,000 points"
"Tiger Evil LV1 skill roars with wind"
The 5-point skill upgrade point has been added to the daily chop, and the daily chop has also been achieved.
"Killing LV9 melee attack skill every day causes gold damage and fixed damage to surrounding targets, and causes dizziness to" all hit "targets. The dizziness is divided into two stages: the first stage, no matter whether the person is dazzled for 4 seconds, the second stage, the dizziness depends on the opponent’s spiritual strength. When cooling, the true qi is consumed, and it is necessary to complete the skill upgrade level. The ultimate skill tree looks forward to the sword evil and the sword evil coming to the world."
A series of shows let Li Feiyang have a dizzying feeling. While deeply feeling strong, Li Feiyang also felt a little worried in his heart.
The power of all skills is on the rise, but the true qi consumption is also high. The Dan medicine, physical medicine and aura Dan medicine he has prepared have all been consumed, and they will soon be consumed.
If the Dan medicine is used up in the continuous battle, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Li Feiyang thought over and over again about refining a batch of his own Dan medicine as soon as possible, and the quantity should be prepared as much as possible. He deeply felt that he would have died today if he hadn’t prepared enough herbs and money for the big war in Chongxuan Temple.
Whether it’s medicine or money … it’s all lacking. Li Feiyang is silently contemplating that it seems that it’s not just practicing blindly to have high strength. Wealth is also a part of strength.
One day after two months, Li Feiyang was practicing archery at the back of the village. Suddenly, the bell came running with a worried look and panting. "Brother Feiyang is not good. Many officers and men came to the village and arrested the villagers. Grandpa Mu asked me to come to you. He said you had a way …"
Bell words haven’t say that finish flying in the heart a leg lifts ran towards the village, a few ups and downs disappeared.
Bell wait for a while looked at Li Feiyang and jumped out of the distance with a surprised expression, but then she came to her senses and chased Li Feiyang.
After arriving at the village entrance, Li Feiyang saw a large group of men dressed in black robes, armed with spears and covered with vines. After the village villagers walked out, dogs crowed, children cried, adults shouted, and officers and men swore. At the front of the team, a man with a big face was riding on a dark horse and wearing a black armor, holding a heavy broadsword full of serrated teeth. Look at the knife, which weighed at least 100 kilograms.
Next to him is a thin old man wearing a blue cloth towel. His clothes seem to be made of pieces of cloth. He holds a dark wooden stick in his hand and hangs a thick necklace on his chest. It looks like it is made of some animal bones, and it shines white in the sun.
Li Feiyang ran to the village and several officers and men immediately surrounded him. One of them was going to push him. "Are you from this village, too? Let’s go Take it together! "
Bang ~ ~ ~
The man hasn’t met Li Feiyang yet, so he saw Li Feiyang’s arm stretched out and grabbed the soldier’s arm gently, and then the soldiers in the area next to him immediately flew away and listened to a muffled sound, and directly flew out seven meters away, with a head in pain and even wailing.
The soldiers around him are all one leng face with a surprised expression. They don’t believe that people in front of them have such great strength. Generally, Li Feiyang didn’t give them more thinking. His feet rushed out like a cheetah. Around him, the soldiers suddenly scattered around and listened to Peng Peng, and they kept rushing all the way. Soldiers were thrown out, blinking and screaming, and the whole formation was suddenly disrupted.
The two men riding horses in front were suddenly surprised, and then they saw Li Feiyang rushing to the crowd. When the guards near them knocked down the roots, they could stop him.
Holding a serrated knife, the big fellow’s eyes narrowed slightly, and when Li Feiyang rushed to the front, the serrated knife in his hand whizzed round and round, and he chopped it hard toward Li Feiyang’s head.
It is said that … people don’t like it if the title is written like that … Well, I won’t make up a literate person.
Chapter 12 An arrow collapses a mountain
Against the sky, one arrow collapses.
A knife is mixed with a dull noise, and you can know the terrorist power by listening to the sound.
Key moment Li Feiyang quietly flashed a thick mace and was immediately cut out by him to meet the strong man’s serrated knife.
When Herod ~ ~! The big fellow was shocked by this anti-seismic force, and his body leaned back violently. Even riding a horse sang and retreated several steps in a row.
The big fellow’s face was surprised and incredible, and the old man around him raised his staff as soon as his eyes lit up.
Li Feiyang pushed the strong man back but didn’t start work again. Instead, he threw his mace at the big one and said, "I’m not fighting. I’m asking you what you want to take away from the village." Where are you going to catch it? "
A group of soldiers have gathered round and round, swinging spears at Li Feiyang’s head and waiting to stab him with spears.
The big fellow with the wave all the soldiers stopped suddenly, but still eyeing up around Li Feiyang.
"Who are you?" The strong man asked

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