上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 Then there will definitely be no more. Wouldn’t it be too cheap for each other?

Then there will definitely be no more. Wouldn’t it be too cheap for each other?

If you want to do it, do it hard and make the other person wish he were dead.
"Since he wants to accept it, let him be a puppet for a generation."
Qin Mu Ye reasoned that this was the most reliable one.
"Then beat him up again, preferably paraplegic, so that he can’t move for half a generation and end up depressed."
Beating must be beating. Otherwise, wouldn’t the other party be a generation of rich and idle people?
Maybe the king of Lu will lose power and influence, but the treatment will not be less. He can still live happily in San Francisco. How can Qin Mu Ye let him live so well?
When the time comes, I’ll think of some way to send Fan Hua, such a big killer, to Wanglu Wangfu, which will not only make him unable to move for half a generation, but also dye his hat green.
What’s more, let him know about it and change his ability
Killing people is not fun.
"Now think about it, it’s best to be Fan Hua. The more indecent things do, the greater the damage." Qin Mu Ye couldn’t help but vomit a sentence.
"Now you can wait for a while."
"It’s trouble to be late."
Qin Mu Ye wanted to strike first, but he was lazy. Anyway, he didn’t want to be a mirror demon. He also needed to develop when he needed it. What if someone reported it to him again? Wouldn’t he have to hide again?
Qin Mu Ye is naturally able to get away with it. Although the villain retaliates from morning till night, Qin Mu Ye is not bad. It’s not like revenge for ten years.
I really want to wait for ten years. Qin Mu Ye won’t wait to directly beat each other to get out.
"But isn’t it a bit shameless for me to do so? It’s also a big bully." Qin Mu Ye was silent for a while and then quickly forgot about it
"Bear children have to be educated to bully the small. What is not the spirit emperor to supplement the lack of education?"
"And the word King Lu is not small at this age. If you really want to talk like this, then the spirit emperor sent a bath fire phoenix to kill me. Isn’t it a big bully?"
"I’m just taking revenge at best. It’s nothing to bully the small."
"Double bidding is double bidding. It’s okay. Anyway, I double bidding others."
Qin Mu Ye soon developed a wonderful logical chain and put himself at the moral high ground.
Although this commanding height is in jeopardy, you don’t have to worry about problems if no one comes to push it down.
I really want someone to refute his words. Qin Mu Ye promised to shut him up before the other person’s mouth and still shut his mouth for a generation
"Yes, there is still a disaster after all."
Qin Mu Ye’s retaliation plan is perfect, but the follow-up problems are also very serious
This matter will definitely attract the attention of the spirit emperor. The phoenix is still entrenched around here, and I don’t know when it will turn back.
After all, it’s a search for the order to pick Jin Xian. If it’s not so simple, it will leave Qin Mu Ye. It will take at least one or two months.
It is precisely because of this that the king of Lu will be difficult for the Mu family during this period. It is with the help of the 9 th-order spirit beast, Bath Fire Phoenix.
Mu family will certainly be afraid that this bath fire phoenix will lead to many means being tied behind one’s back.
Qin Mu Ye should also take into account that after taking revenge on Queen Lu, he should get away and seek the best interests.
Vent to vent to benefit to benefit. It’s not that you can choose a Qin Mu Ye. The benefit is simply to test the strength of this fire phoenix to compare the strength of the three-headed spirit beast of the spirit emperor.
Chapter 77 Jose home more sneak attack revenge

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