上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 However, actually creating the sea does not mean collecting cell biological data, but also collecting other organisms … various situations in the virtual world and so on.

However, actually creating the sea does not mean collecting cell biological data, but also collecting other organisms … various situations in the virtual world and so on.

Although they have been that main target of cell biology.
In addition to collecting data to create … it is also the main thing to create the sea. It makes a lot of things including biology from the collected data.
"Distortion" is actually a creation rather than a method of creating Haifa … creation.
That is, putting some data in one place makes the surrounding environment change according to the data.
Distortion gives Walsh the feeling that creating the sea is an embodiment of trying to control everything.
Maybe the sea created in the process of collecting all kinds of data feels that these data are not perfect, and it tries to rearrange these data to make everything develop in the direction it wants.
This is also the reason why distortion was born.
Over the years, the creation of the sea has extended its influence to a very large extent.
Generally speaking, all creatures in the creator population are born from the sea of creation.
But it is said that there was a time when the creation sea once’ released’ other creatures to join their population.
But now it seems that there is no such thing.
In reality, most creatures only know about some creators.
It is difficult to find them even by ordinary creators.
However, some creatures have discovered their’ mysteries’ through research and investigation.
But also found the creation of the sea.
Walsh knew that the main reason for creating the sea was … the first war.
The creation of the sea will hardly combine with other creatures. Although various creators may combine with other creatures, its whole population has always maintained a consistent goal
And that may be the first time … another group of species tried to collide with each other.
That seems to be the only time to create the sea and "go to war in person"
Because in all the previous stories, I have never been to the creation sea to fight personally.
After the war, Walsh thought that creating the sea might make the war happen again.
So it keeps trying to understand how to create the sea through various aspects, and at the same time, it doesn’t study it with buses.
Almost all the buses that participated in the battle together knew about creating the sea bus.
When they know enough, they will create weapons to fight and create the sea.
Lin now brought back a small part of this weapon.
This weapon is mainly to interrupt the creation of sea’ data’
What created the sea … what kept it alive or conscious at that time was supposed to be’ data’
And weapons can push the sea of creation somewhere.
Actually, Lin has also learned about this place before, which is the location where miracle creatures die.
Virtual Walsh was called” region at that time.
This place is very interesting, because generally speaking, there is nothing in the two emptiness, but since there is no … what can there be?
There are many people in the two virtual worlds who have been to that’ virtual gap’, and its quality is also a bit special.
That’s what Walsh said
When two imaginary lines are broken, there will be many situations, most of which are connected to one side.
While others can connect imaginary things and separate from this one.
But actually … there is a way to leave to recognize that these are in a position called”.
Qian Ershi also made an investigation on the virtual zone, that is,”
Walsh thinks there are some ways to get there, and the weapon is a weapon to throw the sea of creation there
At the same time, it has another function
That’s a’ data crash’
It can disintegrate all kinds of data that creators have been receiving.
Because at that time, Walsh already knew … where the sea data was hidden.
Chapter three thousand two hundred and thirteen New travel targets
"It had a great effect at that time, and it affected all our departments."
The great power of weapons made a large-scale virtual environment abnormal, and finally they successfully pushed the sea of creation into that place.
That is, the position of the current order domain.
Of course, it also has a great impact on themselves, such as the disappearance of memories.
However, Walsh foresaw that his memory would be in a state, so he set a lot of plans in advance
The main problem now is that the creation of the sea is not actually dead.
It may be due to its own reasons, or it may be due to the continuous efforts to create various’ families’ in the sea.
In fact, most of the creators of the species do not know that the creation of the sea is over.
But Walsh believes that the creation of the sea, like itself, has foreseen this result.
So it also customized a plan, even if the creatures in the population didn’t know it, they acted according to it.
Of course, this is also Walsh’s guess.

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