上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网,约茶品茶工作室 Since the industrial revolution of the Renaissance, the strength of the earth warlocks, wizards, magicians, orcs and so on has been suppressed by human beings, and the earth has become the home of ordinary human beings, while the high-altitude magicians can turn to dark activities.

Since the industrial revolution of the Renaissance, the strength of the earth warlocks, wizards, magicians, orcs and so on has been suppressed by human beings, and the earth has become the home of ordinary human beings, while the high-altitude magicians can turn to dark activities.

What kind of dark parliament, what kind of pope sounds cool, can move in secret like a mouse, and its roots can’t enter the mainstream of society. On warlocks, if they scold ordinary people for being mud, their strength will inevitably weaken.
This makes the warlocks feel a great sense of loss and envy for human beings. You know, once upon a time, warlocks were kings, giants and semi-gods. Ordinary people were as great as mosquitoes in their eyes.
However, the warlocks are no longer dissatisfied because no matter how powerful the warlocks are, they can’t resist the direct missile attack.
However, the birth of Jack the Great gave the warlocks hope! Hope for the resurgence of the warlock world!
The warlock was a member of the Dark Council before, and he gained the power from hell, which is sweeping the earth. The whole of Europe has prostrated his feet. If you submit to the warlock, the warlock can use this power to become an adult again!
Jackie is a warlock. He has become the overlord of the earth and naturally needs a lot of hands to manage the earth. At this time, whoever shows loyalty to Jackie the Great and who can become his lackeys means the future will be prosperous.
Many magicians are scrambling to take refuge in Jackie the Great and ingratiate themselves with him, willing to be his slave like summoners.
Jack the Great also realized that if he could control the warlock power independently, he wouldn’t have to worry that the summoner would suddenly disobey his orders one day.
The Jacky the Great wanted not only the warlock earth, but also other wizards and wizards, who were equally ambitious and dissatisfied with the rise of ordinary human beings. If they could win over these forces, they would have a powerful help! At that time, it will no longer be the human war of Jack the Great, but the ordinary human war of people with earth powers!
Jack the Great graduated from MIT. He realized that summoning animals alone is the law to completely expropriate the earth. Even if all three allied forces are killed, human uprisings and rebellions will continue one after another. However, if he can attract magicians, wizards and orcs from all sides, it will become two different wars-magic wars and scientific and technological wars!
At that time, the Jackie Emperor will no longer be the demon Lord from hell, but the savior of the earth magic text, and then the Jackie Emperor can really levy the earth!
Now Jackie needs to talk more about the hidden warlocks and magicians when he needs it. He didn’t put all his eggs in one basket and sent all the summoners to die. Too fierce a war would push the neutral warlocks and magicians on the sidelines into the human camp.
Of course, we should not be too weak to make some people despise.
The Jackie Emperor secretly contemplated his face, but did not move his face. He simply said to the magician in the dark sun, "Brother, now the three-way allied forces and our summoners are tied. This is part of our plan, but we can’t let the allied forces be too proud. Send a powerful summoner to give them a hard blow and show them our real strength."
The Dark Sun Magician readily said, "No problem, I’ll send the minotaur."
Jack the emperor frowned "minotaur? He is not strong enough. Give me Bai Xiaofei. "
Dark magician zheng "Bai Xiaofei? I’m sending him to search for the remaining exiles in Huaxia, trying to catch them all. "
Jack the Great flatly said, "The exiles who sent Bai Xiaofei to the earth in Huaxia are not rooted enough. Now all the wars on the earth are heavy!"
Dark magic dejected tunnel "well, I’ll send Bai Xiaofei"
At the same time, a fierce battle is going on on an island in the sour sea, and a golden figure is coming and going, and a group of people are fighting. Those people are Chinese exiles-children such as horns, iron giants and Buddhist monsters.
Horn Tianshan fold plum hand against Bai Xiaofei attack while flustered and frustratedly cried "damn it! Even the Lord of Bai Xiaofei has summoned us to fight in the dark! "
The iron giant rushed forward and his body helped the horn to block Bai Xiaofei’s punch. "Bai Xiaofei, wake up and don’t be controlled by the dark magician. Get rid of his witchcraft. I am an iron giant."
Bai Xiaofei turned a deaf ear and even made several palms, actually playing the iron giant backwards again and again.
Horn while greeting other fighters to surround Bai Xiaofei, frustrated tunnel "Iron giant can’t. The Lord of Bai Xiaofei is no longer the British king before China. As far as I know, he even personally captured Xiaohui’s mother and Lena and dedicated them to the dark day magician."
Iron giant long Xuan Buddha twist a head to ask by monsters to protect a small gesture "small gesture master really have no way to save Bai Xiaofei? Can’t the little frog help it? "
Xiaozi sighed, "I tried this summoning technique, and it was really evil. I also tried to save Bai Xiaofei from the frog. He said it was Bai Xiaofei’s own suffering, and only he could save himself."
Horn urgent way "save yourself? The Lord of Bai Xiaofei has become a slave of the dark magician, don’t say save yourself, he will defeat us and take us as prisoners of the dark magician! The iron giant will let Niu Niu out quickly and let Niu Niu attack the Lord of Bai Xiaofei! "
The iron giant said slowly, "Niu Niu is in my ear. It doesn’t want to attack Bai Xiaofei."
The horn jumped with anxiety. "Niu Niu must be able to stun-just don’t repel the Lord of Bai Xiaofei, otherwise we can’t escape!"
At this moment, Bai Xiaofei, a flicker, shook the horn in front of him, and conveniently led the horn with a crooked hand-a lot of kung fu on the horn still followed Bai Xiaofei’s example-and his right fist has hit the horn nose like a thunderbolt!
The horn screamed and closed his eyes-however, a long time passed and he didn’t feel Bai Xiaofei’s fist hitting his face. He only opened his eyes to see that Bai Xiaofei had disappeared and the iron giant said, "Bai Xiao flew away-was summoned."
The horn sank to the ground "summoned"? What the hell is this dark magician doing? Seeing that we are about to lose, how can we summon the Lord of Bai Xiaofei back? "
Chapter 39 Final War (10)
The horn quickly got up. "No matter what, let’s hurry. There are still many things to prepare for crossing the sour sea to the opposite mainland."
However, Xiaozhi said, "No, we’re not going."
The horn stays "what? Not leaving? Teacher Xiaozi, are you kidding? ! We managed to escape from the magician’s clutches in the dark sun. Why don’t we leave again? Are the sacrifices of millions of Chinese people wasted? Do we keep those hundreds of thousands of gene samples that are ready to be cloned and no longer need protection? "
Xiaozi said, "I think we can escape from the dark sun magician even if we escape to the mainland across the sour sea. Little frog and I want to stay in the eastern mainland and find a way to really defeat the dark sun magician."
The iron giant declared the Buddha’s name "We will stay". He said that we naturally realized the true meaning of Buddha, monsters.
What else does the horn want to say? "Horn, take someone else across the sea. You’re right. You need to protect the cloned gene sample."

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