上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 In order to better understand the major planets, major cultures, customs and food, Tang Chuan can block this ability.

In order to better understand the major planets, major cultures, customs and food, Tang Chuan can block this ability.

After all, if you really look at things so fastidiously, then no matter how fine-grained jade carvings conform to human aesthetics, things are full of flaws.
But this time Tang Chuan actually saw a lot of … bugs besides some normal impurities in the glass?
Some are like tiny slugs. There are about a hundred water floating freely.
Pupils dilated and Tang Chuan’s vision returned to its original state. He was surprised and said, "There are many relatives in the water."
"Sneaking (talking nonsense about disasters and ugliness, they love me)!"
Aside, Panocton’s head slammed Yang’s head and expressed disdain for protest.
Tang Chuan didn’t continue to ridicule with a swish, but handed the cup back to the United body. "What’s a bug in the water? Is this planet like this? "
Kuntasha took the lead in explaining that "it’s not normal. There can’t be such a tiny organism in the water of the planet, and I didn’t scan it when we came to this hotel."
Tang Chuan wondered, "Then where did this come from?"
The couplet explained, "This is from the tap. I have tried it several times. Every time I take it out, there is this kind of thing in the water."
Kuntasha added, "I have tested and found no similar creatures in Fiona Fang for 50 miles except the water source system of this hotel."
This made Tang Chuan a little alarmed. "So … are we being stared at?"
Kuntasha shook her head. "According to my observation, no one is staring at us unless that person is strong, and none of us can detect it."
Master, did you feel that the staff were depressed when we checked in at this hotel? "
Tang Chuan recalled that "it seems that this is indeed the case. From the front desk to the staff, everyone seems to be relatively bereaved. I was still exploited by the boss. It turned out that this was not the case."
Kuntasha nodded. "That’s right. This kind of insect will not directly cause any harm to the human body after drinking in the water source, and it will not be a parasite, but will directly dissolve water and dissolve organisms."
But there seems to be something wrong with the water dissolved by the bug, which will urge the generator to secrete negative emotional hormones and inhibit the secretion of positive emotional hormones. "
Tang Chuan "Is this it?"
Kunta Shanai laughed. "That’s right. It won’t absorb the host nutrition like some parasites, but on the other hand, it’s much more harmful than generalized parasites."
"Tell me about it"
"According to my analysis, the physical function of ordinary people on the planet Embrota will make people feel very uncomfortable if they ingest one hundred. If they ingest five hundred, they will fall into depression. If they ingest one thousand, someone will self-harm and self-destruct and may attack people around them.
Yes, this is happening in some rooms in this hotel.
Their average intake has reached 56, and some people who drink a lot of water have exceeded the threshold. "
Tang Chuan heard the news and asked a key question, "Is this thing an aborigine of Brota Star or a foreigner?"
Kuntasha smiled sweetly and said, "You finally found that Hua Dian. I’m sorry to tell you that this bug is not the indigenous people of Brota Star or the species in my database. Your constitution seems to have happened again."
Tang Chuan says, "But even so, it’s not scientific. It’s because these people were like this before I moved in …"
Nockton suddenly interrupted him seriously, "Everything is doomed."
Tang Chuan gave him a supercilious look, then took the cup from the gloating union and handed it to Nocton. "I’m not finished yet. What are you talking about? I think you are not only hard-winged, but also the hardest. Try it and see what happens. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."
Nockton’s face froze. "I’m just saying that. My constitution has long been out of the category of ordinary people. I can draw the conclusion that the experimental results are not universal."
The conjoined body clapped its hands happily and said, "You can drink if the master asks you to! Why do you want to rebel? Don’t worry, Kuntasha has analyzed it and it shouldn’t have any big impact on you. After all, there are hundreds of insects in this glass of water. "
Nockton gave her a bad look and said, "The most poisonous woman’s heart goes to hell, Kuka."
Then a face of constipation looked at Tang Chuannai and accepted the cup. "Even if there is no great harm, this is a bug and I am so ugly …"
"Sneaky (my relatives are ugly)?"
Lie on his head and speak with a swish.
Nockton’s heart is cold and he dare not spit. My Lord, you just said that this is not your relative. Isn’t it nice to be like this …
He gulped down half a glass of water without saying anything.
Tang Chuan didn’t directly ask him how he felt, but continued to say to Kuntasha, "I haven’t finished just now. Since these people were like this before I checked in, you said that the hotel water source was still normal until I checked in. Where is the source of this thing? Is it to put it into the water at a certain time or to appear in the water directly?"
Kuntasha thought for a moment, "It’s not worth shaking the Origin Universe to improve my detection properties, and I haven’t directly captured its source, but if we go back to the hotel, the water source is the top floor water tank and purification station, we can go to the top floor to have a look."
Tang Chuan nodded his head and didn’t respond directly, but looked at a face of injustice. "How do you feel?"
Nockton Koo said, "I don’t feel anything because the quantity is too small and the intensity is not high. Plus, I have been prepared. What I swallowed was digested into water and then excreted in the form of sweat."
"With a swish (you digest my relatives [panic])? !”
Tang Chuan’s "Two Idiots"
Chapter 22 Relatives
While everyone was talking, there was a sudden loud noise outside the house.
Although the mind swept away to know what happened outside the house, they still knocked on the door and came to the corridor.
I saw a guest with latosolic red eyes in the corridor, holding clothes that should be disassembled and hanging there, slamming the door crazily.
Not far from the corridor, there are two people who have been beaten to death, but there are still people lying there whispering to themselves.
"I’m a waste. I’m a social scum. I don’t deserve to live in this world …"
"The world needs to be purified. There are no good people in the world. Everyone wears hypocrisy masks. I’m fed up with this world."
And the latosolic red people with detached clothes in their hands are hitting the door one by one. When they see Tang Chuan and others coming out, they rush in without saying anything.

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