Behind the video viewing angle is a wide tunnel.

A two-kilometer-long tunnel running through Magic Mountain is the most difficult in the world.
After a long time, Glory Ann looked up at Zhuang.
"The tunnel is through?"
"Well, the tunnel is open." Zhuang nodded not far away.
"You dig through?"
"Well, let’s dig through."
"One night?"
"It will take about two hours to add support works."
Zhou Xiangan "…"
Ignore me and leave me alone!
Five minutes later, Zhou Xiangan staggered up.
"Master Zhou, what are you going to do?" Zhuang is not far from wondering
"I … I also have to go to the hospital to check a …" Xiang-an Zhou covering her head.
He felt his heart beating faster, his blood flowing faster, he was flustered, he was short of breath, and his head seemed to explode.
That’ll be the day!
Stop joking!
This is absolutely impossible!
I definitely have a fever, too
Before going out, Zhou Xiangan asked Zhuang not far away, "Did you leave the tunnel there?"
"Well, I think it’s a little inappropriate. I planted some trees to block the entrance."
Xiang-an Zhou nodded and then shook down.
"No, the Lord fainted!"
Zhou Xiang’ an was sent to the hospital in the chaos of war.
Not far from Zhuang, what should I do now at the door of Glory Ann’s office?
"What is this?" A middle-aged man with great momentum appeared at the door of Glory’s office and said to the workers, "I’m Zhou Jiantuan, my name is Xu, and I made an appointment with Zhou Zhu yesterday."
"Zhou Zhu fainted from overwork. The ambulance just left. Why don’t you come back another day?" Workers don’t know what to do now.
"Ah which hospital? I’ll go and see him! " Xu asked a few words and turned to go. Suddenly he saw a side village not far away.
"Young man, it’s a good way to save people last night." Xu patted Zhuang’s shoulder not far away. "But … tunnel excavation is not a trick. You are thirty years early! This project is definitely us! "
"Well," Zhuang raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "You are an hour late."
Chapter 96 redefined bioengineering.
"Master Zhuang, I think many engineers have gone to the hospital to visit Master Zhou. Should we go too?" Zhuang not far back to the big rush Xiao Wei hurriedly asked.

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