上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛 They tried to throw these parasites into the captain’s body, and the captain backed away and shot.

They tried to throw these parasites into the captain’s body, and the captain backed away and shot.

Bang-!’ After another shot, the captain found that the magazine had gone, and the last bullet hit the floor in front of a small doll.
It looks like the little doll wobbles and hits well, but the captain … is not in a good state of mind.
Although it woke up from the illusion of time, its nerves still didn’t recover completely.
"ah!" But in a second, it woke up a lot because a parasite climbed into its leg and got into its pants and bit the captain’s calf.
Although these parasites look like shrimps, they have nothing to do with shrimp.
Lynn thinks they should not be Walsh creatures, but cell creatures
They parasitize a large number of short dolls and can have a certain influence on the nervous system of short dolls, that is, they can manipulate the short dolls to move forward for a while and throw them to a host even when there is no brain command.
They now seem to want to treat the captain as a host.
But it caused severe pain and made the captain react. The captain quickly reached out and pulled the parasite out of his leg … and then it quickly ran to the operation panel.
The operation panel … is actually a three-dimensional picture of the center of the room.
The captain quickly poked a few pictures and said, "Our members are caught in an inexplicable illusion … which I think is caused by something with the’ Eye of God’ … It may have affected here in some way. If we go on like this, we may deactivate the emergency agreement."
"Emergency protocol accepted" After the captain said that, there was also a sound in the picture "Searching for judgment …"
"Hurry up … ahhh!"
When the captain spoke, several short dolls had come behind him, and their parasites jumped out at this moment and rushed to the captain’s body
"Detection … the crew currently in a state of mental instability … 965 … the captain is under attack."
"The attacker is granted the second-class benefit, and it is suspected that the system has been invaded and is being investigated … 1% of the progress, the captain continues to be attacked … 5% of the progress … the captain is dead … 1% of the progress, and the defense is started."
After an instant, parasites and a few short dolls on the ground instantly melted coke.
Attacking them are small arms located in the ceiling, which can emit hot rays and quickly clean up … suspicious targets.
But just now, these short dolls were not regarded as suspicious targets. They can always wander here.
Even killed the captain.
Now the captain’s body and a large number of parasites stuck to it have also been burned to powder, but even if the captain is dead … this system will continue to carry out orders.
Just now, the captain’s "emergency agreement" was actually an order to escape from here.
Is to escape from this place with Zhou Luo
The captain thinks that this position may be disturbed by the divine eye. If they are farther away, there will be nothing.
The warship body has some special weapons, which can stimulate the main snail to "wake up" and fly away from this place.
The snail is a very slow creature, but it also has some … emergency ability, and it can move at a high speed for a short time.
The research team also equipped the warships with some weapons that can stimulate the main snails.
The captain’s last order … The warship started this weapon. If you can see the warship from the outside … Ten missiles were shot out of the back.
These missiles flew to the main snail, and they hit the main snail’s shell and burst into a … smoke.
When the explosion occurred, the snail moved.
It flew out in one direction as if it were frightened, and the warship started at the same time.
Maintained the connection state and speed with the main screw, and the battleship main screw flew to the … virtual depth together.
It seems that this warship is well prepared, and it can move with the main snail.

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