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What can lock a person and interfere with his time flow through the turbulence?

It can also perceive that it is advanced and take this opportunity to bring itself back.
This is almost a miracle. Gu Qingshan has lived for two generations and has never heard of such a person in the world.
However, with such terrible power, it is possible to do it by nailing a bronze column.
Who nailed it?
This black armor body spent so much thought and energy to arouse itself to see one thing less.
It needs external help to do something.
His last words seemed to deal with demon magic.
Unfortunately, it was interrupted and I couldn’t see it again for a short time.
"Two worlds are five elements? What the hell does this mean? "
Gu Qingshan suddenly remembered one thing.
He looked at the interface of the god of war, but he saw that the hourglass fell very slowly, and it took a long time to flow away a few grains of sand.
Time flow is really out of the question.
The drastic changes in the real world have had a serious impact on the abortion of the two worlds.
Gu Qingshan is also a stranger to this bizarre thing, and there is no good way to solve it
Gu Qingshan sighed.
Anyway, I’m afraid I will stay in this world for a long time this time.
Gu Qingshan has one advantage.
That is, when you meet Kenai, simply don’t think about bowing your head and paying attention to what you can solve.
Eye he simply cut off all thoughts in the heart and pulled out the sword to practice it seriously.
It is necessary to consolidate the realm.
This practice is one day and one night.
Gu Qingshan didn’t stop pranayama until it was dawn again.
In a short time, Qin Xiaolou slowly moved in with a big barrel.
"What is this? Is it a medicated bath? " Gu Qingshan asked
"What medicated bath? This is your breakfast," Qin Xiaolou said.
Gu Qingshan hurriedly waved "I can’t eat so much"
Qin Xiaolou grinned and said, "You eat."
Gu Qingshan walked over and stretched out his neck and looked into the bucket.
It’s Lingmi-no, it’s a pill the size of Lingmi.
"Master elder brother out of the material, my contribution is to adjust the body. You eat the good things first," Qin Xiaolou said and turned around and left.
Gu Qingshan was left alone in the hall.
He sniffed.
a slap in the face
Baihuaxian asked Qin Xiaolou to make things, which is bound to be no worse.
Well, even if you can’t finish it, let’s eat it first
Gu Qingshan took a bowl of chopsticks and filled it with a bowl of Dan pills to eat formally.
Don’t say it tastes really good.
While eating, he watched another message jump out of the ares interface.
"The player has successfully extended the soul limit of the advanced foundation 2"
"Current Soul Force 64/2"
According to the player’s memory, it will not cause the player’s body/mind to collapse. The sword tactic is shown in the figure.
"Sword tactic, Baitai sword tactic"
"Sword tactic, cloud sword tactic"
"Sword tactic, universal sword tactic"
"Sword tactic for rushing array sword tactic"
"the secret sword is cut on the moon"
"In view of the player’s deep understanding of all sword tactics, the soul force of sword tactics dropped to the lowest level in the past."
"It takes 5 points to awaken the sword, and 1 point to awaken the secret sword."

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