上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 That is to say, maybe it wasn’t the meteorite that fell by itself just now, but the tumbler somehow attracted it.

That is to say, maybe it wasn’t the meteorite that fell by itself just now, but the tumbler somehow attracted it.

Lynn thinks that this tumbling machine may be a machine that can run by itself just like the stone she saw before, but what are they?
So Lin turned her attention to the distance again and asked the creator some questions.
"Did you find it? Fluffy? "
"It doesn’t matter what you find. Let us out!"
As usual, the creator mini-core creature interrupted and talked to Lin. The creator has now received some information from Lin, which contains the scenery seen by the tumbler in front of the pompon.
"It’s the same as I expected …" said the creator. "Now that you have found it, you should think of what it is."
"Yes," the creator said directly without waiting for Lin’s answer. "It is a creature called Wen Platform that I discussed with you before."
Lin asked, "Is this a platform for writing?"
"Another kind," the creator said, "Do you know that the platform is a kind of creature that can collect debris and make cells live?"
"But this species won’t make creatures live. It will keep collecting debris and grow up. It may eventually grow very big …"
Chapter five hundred and sixteen Tunnel
In other words, a new creature has been discovered …
This creature is called Wen platform … subspecies.
The original platform can be said to be a metal ball-like thing, which starts from the void and then collects the surrounding debris and surrounds the debris around your body. When it grows to a certain size, it will create a gas-filled seal to let the creatures live inside …
However, this platform’ subspecies’ is said to collect debris and grow continuously … instead of creating a living creature.
Is that really the case?
Lin found that this’ subspecies’ seems to have some similarities with the original platform.
Yinlin is now moving in the perspective of a group of arms, which are … rock spiders.
They are one meter long and suitable for moving in caves, and their current position is the’ subspecies platform’.
When the fuzz ball flew here for a while, Lin found that there were a lot of protrusions on the surface of the’ subspecies platform’, but there were occasional’ entrances’ in this plain.
For example, the cave where the meteorite was decomposed before, but Lin also saw some similar door structures. These doors are relatively small, usually up to ten meters.
Lynn managed to put some arms in the door and let them move here.
It’s different from the outside … the door is alive and there is a long passage inside, and it’s warmer than the outside.
Lynn felt that she could almost let some multicellular creatures come in and live.
Now the rock spider is advancing rapidly in these passages. Lin feels that it is like a’ waterway’ and there is a’ river’ surging in the center of the passage.
However, the liquid in the river is not water, but another kind of liquid.
The walls around the passage are not made of small metal pieces like the outside, but are smooth metal walls. The whole square rock spider of this passage crawls along both sides of the passage
Occasionally there are some strange things on the wall, and now Lin sees them again …
The rock spider saw something like words painted on the front wall. These’ words’ have never been seen before, but it is obvious that they can be painted with something similar in color to a pen.
According to the trace, this painting is still very new. Maybe there is something deep in the passage …
In this way, the rock spider continued to run to the depths of the passage. Although there was no fork in the passage, it should go to some special places sooner or later …
A special thing appeared in front of the rock spider. It looks like a kind of water wheel. It is a big wheel that keeps spinning with the flow of square liquid, but it is so big that it blocks the passage. I don’t know what the meaning of this thing is.
This just happens to test one
Lin Qian let the fluffy balls fly over and let the rock spider get into these channels without being attacked. If this’ subspecies platform’ is a creature, it should respond to Lin’s arrival.
Suolin asked a rock spider to run and climb into the gap of the water wheel and then got into the department.
After a while, the rock spider got stuck in the waterwheel, and then … Lin waited here a little.
About ten thousand seconds.
Nothing appeared in the passage and I didn’t hear any strange sounds … The waterwheel was stuck for so long and this’ platform’ didn’t respond at all.
Either the waterwheel is not important to it or it doesn’t know where the rock spider is or why.
Generally speaking, even if it causes subtle damage, such as killing a cell, it will react quickly and send out epidemic troops to attack.
This subspecies platform does not seem to
Then move on.
After drilling through the waterwheel, Linyan Spider continued to run through the channel. Because of the small consumption of gravity, the rock spider does not need to replenish energy yet.
And here … there seems to be nothing to replenish energy.
It seems that it is not necessarily.
The rock spider found some creatures … cellular creatures.
While running, the proto-rock spider is detecting all kinds of fine objects on the wall. When running somewhere just now, the proto-rock spider found a lot of cell organisms stuck to its feet.
This seems to be a kind of gas fungus that can adapt to this place. It seems that the distribution of cell organisms is also quite broad. Lin will also meet metal microorganisms like Naoling first.
From this position, the rock spider found that there are always many microorganisms on the wall. These creatures have no food and their life process is very slow, which is almost like sleeping.
Lin estimates that they usually sleep without eating, and there may be some nutrients here occasionally, then they will eat and reproduce.
Now there’s something strange …
A wide river with a big hole appeared in front of the rock spider, and the river kept flowing into the hole.
And the surrounding walls have five passages to other places … It seems that this is a fork in the road.

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导语:在繁华的都市中,人们往往忽略了身边的自然之美。而上海这座国际化大都市,也隐藏着许多未被发掘的自然景观。本文将带您踏上一场独特的夜行登山之旅,感受上海夜幕下的宁静与自然之美。 一、夜幕降临,登山之旅启程 上海的夜晚,华灯初上,霓虹闪烁。然而,在这繁华的背后,却有一片宁静的绿洲等待我们去探索。夜行登山之旅,我们选择的是位于浦东新区的高桥森林公园。 傍晚时分,我们来到了高桥森林公园的入口。此时,公园内已经人声鼎沸,许多市民在此散步、健身。夜幕降临,公园内渐渐恢复了宁静,我们开始了我们的夜行登山之旅。 二、登高望远,感受都市夜景之美 沿着蜿蜒的山路,我们一路向上。夜色中的高桥森林公园,显得格外幽静。四周的树木遮天蔽日,仿佛将我们带入了一个与世隔绝的世界。 登上山顶,我们不禁为眼前的美景所震撼。夜幕下的上海,灯光璀璨,宛如一座闪耀的明珠。远处的陆家嘴、外滩等地标性建筑,在夜色中更显雄伟壮观。此时此刻,我们仿佛置身于人间仙境,忘却了都市的喧嚣。 三、星空下的浪漫,邂逅萤火虫 夜行登山之旅,星空下的浪漫不可或缺。在高桥森林公园,我们邂逅了一群可爱的萤火虫。它们在树林间飞舞,犹如一颗颗闪亮的星星,为这片夜色增添了无限生机。 我们小心翼翼地跟随萤火虫的脚步,仿佛走进了一个童话世界。在这片星空下,我们感受到了大自然的神奇与浪漫。此情此景,让人陶醉不已。 四、静谧夜晚,聆听大自然的声音 夜行登山之旅,让我们有机会聆听大自然的声音。在寂静的夜晚,虫鸣、风声、流水声交织在一起,形成了一首美妙的交响曲。 我们漫步在山间小径,感受着大自然的气息。这时,一阵阵清凉的晚风拂过脸庞,让人心旷神怡。在这静谧的夜晚,我们仿佛与大自然融为一体,感受到了生命的美好。 五、夜幕下的反思,珍惜自然之美 夜行登山之旅结束后,我们带着满满的收获回到了都市。然而,在这繁华的背后,我们不禁反思:在快节奏的生活中,我们是否忽略了身边的自然之美? 此次夜行登山之旅,让我们重新认识到了大自然的魅力。在今后的日子里,让我们更加珍惜身边的自然资源,为保护地球家园贡献自己的一份力量。 结语: 上海夜行登山之旅,让我们在都市的喧嚣中找到了一片宁静的绿洲。在这片美丽的自然景观中,我们感受到了大自然的神奇与浪漫。让我们珍惜这份美好,让自然之美永驻人间。